Art Scholarships and Grants
When you start looking at the art school that you wish to attend after your high school graduation, one thing to seriously take into consideration is the art college scholarships and grants that are available through each school, and other random scholarships as well only available to students of that particular school. Art school scholarships can be very competitive, and because of this, the more opportunities that are available specifically for a schools student, the better your chances are of securing one of those art scholarships.
The Academy of Art University in San Francisco has a art scholarship and grant program, which is actually called the Portfolio Grant. The school awards over 300 portfolio grants annually and this is huge. In order to be eligible, you must be enrolled as a first time student on a fulltime basis at the school, and you must be seeking an Associate of Arts degree, a Bachelor of Arts degree, or a BFA. This award pays 75%, 50%, or 25% of your total tuition for up to two classes.
The College of Fine Arts at Illinois State University has numerous art college scholarship opportunities for art students. The first is the School of Art Tuition Waiver, which is granted on the basis or your artistic ability and performance and a review of your portfolio. Also offered is the Friends of the Arts Talent Grants, which awards $200, the Elizabeth Stein Scholarship, worth $500, the Edwin Niemi Metals Scholarship, worth $200, the Mary M. Packwood Scholarship, awarded in the amount of $300, the Mary R. Walker Scholarship, awarded in the amount of $400, the Stephanie Amster Design Scholarship, the Normal Editions Workshop Scholarship, worth $300, the Sisters and Friends African American Student Artist Scholarship, worth $500, and the Robert Small Award for Writing in Art History Award.
The Moore College of Art and Design, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania also offers lucrative scholarships for art students. The school awards over $600,000 in merit based scholarships to first year students, and the selection of winners is based on both academic achievement and artistic ability. The school reports that approximately 85% of their undergraduate students have their education funded or partially funded through these art scholarship programs, and there are numerous scholarship opportunities for current students as well. The list of scholarships is fairly extensive, so your odds of winning at least one of these awards are fairly high.
Before you make your final decision regarding the school that you will attend, make sure that you look at the art college scholarships that are available through that school, as well as the eligibility requirements for applying for those art scholarships and grants. This could play a very big role in your final decision, and of course, you should also still apply for outside scholarship opportunities to help fund your education as well.
Scholarships for Art Resources
- For more information regarding the grant opportunity at the Academy of Art University, visit: academyart.edu/
- For information about the award opportunities at the College of Fine Arts at Illinois State University, visit: cfa.ilstu.edu/art/awards/.
- For information about the Moore College of Art and Design Scholarship opportunities visit: moore.edu/.
Hello, I’m a Junior in High School and I plan to major within the preforming arts and theatre catagories. May I recive “more in depth” information on all possible Art Scholorships? Thank You!
go to art scholarships which has many to choose from. Check out high school scholarships too.