ACE Scholarships
Any help that you can receive to assist you in paying for your college education is very important, and all opportunities should be fully explored. When you are searching for unusual scholarships, you may see ACE Scholarships, and make the mistake of thinking that you’ve already applied, when in fact; there is more than one unique ACE Scholarship.
First there is the Alliance for Choice in Education. Based in Denver, Colorado, this organization offers an ACE scholarship program that is specifically for students in grades between Kindergarten and the twelfth grade. It exists for the purposes of helping families to pay for tuition at private schools, but is only available to those families that qualify for the federal free or reduced lunch program. The program only pays up to $2000 annually for the lower grades and up to $3000 annually for students in grades nine through twelve.
In order to be eligible for this particular ACE Scholarship, you must reside in Colorado, and attend a school in Colorado. Once these unique scholarships are awarded; it is renewed each year for up to four years, as long as you remain eligible. You must have a good academic standing in order to remain eligible and you must remain in a private school in Colorado, although you do have the freedom to change schools, as long as the new school is still a private school, and still in the state. Note that the award amount for this unusual scholarship is only meant to pay for approximately 50% of the tuition, which means that if the tuition is low, the award amount could be lower, as it will not exceed 50% of the cost of the tuition. You can learn more about the Alliance for Choice in Education Scholarship details and apply by going to ACE Scholarships.
Another of the ACE Scholarships that you should be aware of is the unusual college scholarships offered by the Ace Communications Group and Ace Link Telecommunications. This ACE scholarship is only available to high school seniors who have telephone service provided through Ace Link Telecommunications in their homes. Fifteen ACES scholarships are awarded each year, and they are non-renewable.
The award amount of each one of these ACE scholarships is $1000. Ace Link Telecommunications is available in Michigan, Iowa, and Minnesota. Aside from this unique eligibility rule, you must also be a graduating high school senior, and be enrolled or accepted to a college or university. If you or an immediate family member is an employee of Ace, you are not eligible.
Another unique thing about this particular scholarship is that although you must be a high school senior to apply, the award is actually not paid until you are starting your second year of college. It is paid during the first semester of the second year, and it will not be paid, regardless of winning it, if you have not maintained at least a 2.5GPA during your first year. In order for the award to be paid, winners must submit their college transcript reflecting that they have maintained an acceptable GPA, and they must also prove that they have registered in college for the second year of study. Learn more and apply at ACE scholarship.
There is one more unusual scholarship that you will run into when searching for ACE Scholarships. This is the Access College Early Scholarship Program. These unique scholarships for low income students is made possible by the Nebraska Access College Early Scholarship Program Act of 2007. This unusual scholarship will pay the college tuition and mandatory fees for low-income students who want to take dual college classes while they are still in high school. It will also be awarded to those low-income students who have early enrollment agreements with a college. The student must either be eligible for other programs designed for low-income families, or the student’s family must have had a recent hardship that would make the student eligible for this ACE scholarship.
Dual enrollment means that the student is still in high school, but they are also enrolled in college courses. The college courses may be conducted at the high school, or at the college, but they typically take place during the regular school day, and most students in dual programs usually just take a couple of college courses, along with their regular high school courses. The student must have room in their schedule for these courses, in terms of credits needed to graduate from high school, because high school credits are not given for the college courses. Learn more about the Access College Early Scholarship Program and apply to these unusual scholarships at ACE Scholarships.
When you are looking for ACE Scholarships read the information carefully to ensure that you are applying for the ACE scholarship that you meant to apply for – and that you are applying for the scholarship that relates to your specific circumstances or situation, with the knowledge that there are several unique and unusual ACE Scholarships available. These scholarships offer exceptional opportunities for the serious students.
A List of Scholarships for College Students
Unusual Scholarships Can Be Bizarre Fun
Where are the applications?
thank you for calling attention to three broken links on this webpage on ‘ACE Scholarships’. Sometimes the sponsor of the scholarship will change links and then they become broken. The links are fixed (the new ones have been inserted with the correct URL’s) and click on the ACE scholarship link in the end of the 3rd, 6th, and 8th paragraphs and they will take you to the ACE scholarship pages to apply. They are all three different ACE scholarships and are not related other then by name.
Thank You once again on letting me know about those broken links!