Ronald Reagan Scholarship
The GE-Ronald Reagan Scholarship honors Americanism and it seems fitting, because after-all he was the United States’ 40th President. Ronald Reagan, is widely known for his dedication, leadership, integrity and citizenship. Scholarships founded with Reagan as the namesake honor the qualities most associated with his success as an individual and as President. Recipients of these Ronald Reagan scholarships must exhibit the same characteristics.
Reagan worked in a variety of jobs during his lifetime and before becoming President. One such job was he worked for General Electric as a television host and ambassador, so the company and the Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program wish to honor students who embody some of these same characteristics in life and in pursuing their dreams of higher education. As many as twenty students will receive renewable scholarships of $10,000 annually, with the possibility of $40,000 per recipient over the course of four years. A $15 million grant will be funding the two-year scholarship celebration of Reagan’s 100th birthday in the Centennial Celebration.
One of the major requirements for consideration of this scholarship is a 500-750 essay response. “Before he became America’s 40th President, Ronald Reagan pursued leadership roles to inspire and advocate for those around him. Describe how your leadership and service has made a positive difference in your school, in your community, in your family and/or on the job, and how it will continue to make a difference in college and beyond.” This patriotism is at the heart of the GE-Reagan scholarship in that and viable applicants share the vision for freedom and good will of US citizens. Individuals must be nominated, recommended, and have their academics verified as part of the Reagan scholarship process. Applications are accepted through March 18, 2011 for the 2011-2012 school year. Applications become available in the fall for the upcoming school year.
Another Reagan Scholarship program is the Reagan Presidential Foundation Scholars Program which awards students from Ventura, CA with a number of Ronald Reagan scholarships totaling $50,000 annually. Applications are accepted through May, 2011 for the 2011-2012 school year and benefit students with great academic success who also epitomize Reagan’s leadership skills and personal integrity. Applications become available in the fall for the upcoming school year.
The Phillips Foundation funds the Ronald Reagan College Leaders Program which also provides renewable scholarships to college undergraduates who value leadership to help embrace freedom, American values and constitutional principles. The program pays tribute to President Ronald Reagan in “recognition of his achievements on behalf of freedom, American values and constitutional principles, his optimism about America’s future, and his faith in America’s youth to protect and enhance the legacy of liberty entrusted to them”. Nearly $164,000 was awarded in 2010-2011 in varying amounts of $7,500, $5,000, $2,500 and $1,000 to students with merit and financial need so that they could be more focused on academics rather than financial worry and burden. The Ronald Reagan scholarships may be applied for during the sophomore year in college and can be renewed one time.
A unique scholarship created by Ronald Reagan is the School Bus Scholarship. The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation wants to make Reagan a real person with viable goals to those young children who will have no memory of him. In order to encourage schools to visit the Reagan Library and learn about the US’s 40th President and thus, emphasize those qualities in the current generation of students. Therefore, a school can be nominated to receive a Reagan scholarship to be spent on a bus to bring children and education closer together.
Reagan had the foresight to create the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation while he still held the title of President in order continue instilling his beliefs and the American spirit in future generations. Through these scholarships and many other avenues, the values and principles of this notable American are edified and recognized in individuals of future generations. His legacy continues through his Ronald Reagan scholarship due to the foresight and spirit of a great American leader.
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