Private School Scholarships
Private school scholarships are an incredible way to help make sometimes very expensive schools easier to afford, and for some people they are necessary. There are a few scholarships for private schools available for students from a diverse background available to interested families which will make attending a private school more affordable. Families which have financial burdens, or perhaps have legal issues, or are in a minority demographic will find a great number of private school scholarships available to them. Students outside of those areas will also find financial aid available, as there are many different organizations willing to provide assistance.
Some assistance comes from national organizations, but much of it comes from groups which are specifically working to provide aid for a select school or a collection of institutions. Parents of students preparing to head off to a private school should consult with the institution they are applying to in order to see what forms of financial aid may be available to them. It is very possible that the school will have a non-profit entity tied to it helping to provide financial assistance to students who need it.
Families from Jackson County, Kentucky will be able to take advantage of the School Choice Scholarship in an attempt to find scholarships for local private schools. Scholarships for private schools from this organization are targeted specifically at low-income families who have less opportunity to enroll their children in private institutions. Students will need to be anywhere from kindergarten to grade 6 and qualify for the Federal Free or Reduced Lunch Program. All applicants will need to be preparing to enter a private school in Jackson County and all application materials must be turned in by April 16. Scholarship awards will be no greater than $2,000.
Rhode Islanders Sponsoring Education is an organization dedicated to providing financial assistance to students in need of private school scholarships. Students getting a scholarship from this organization will be able to access up to $3,500 in a single year and can also be provided with mentoring services to ensure strong progress through their school. Additional amounts of $2,500 can be awarded through the Scholars program. Parents should contact the organization for deadline information and additional requirements.
Depending on where they are located, families may be able to take advantage of scholarships for private schools provided by a Children’s Scholarship Fund office near them. The families of applicants will be required to show financial need and children entering a private school will need to be in grades k-8. Children which receive private school scholarships through the Fund will be given up to 75% of their overall tuition costs depending on relative financial need. Applications should be turned in before the start of a new academic year.
Students in the Chicago area will be able to apply to the Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund. Amounts will depend varying on where a student is going to school and how much aid they are determined to need. All applicants must be going to a private high school and live in either Chicago or a surrounding suburb. Applications must be submitted no later than May 13.
The Latino Student Fund provides an immense amount of money every year in the form of private school scholarships to help minority families be able to afford elementary and secondary education. Students can be entering school at any level from pre-kindergarten to grade 12. Pre-k to 5th graders will receive $500, 6-8th graders $1,000 and high schoolers will be eligible for $1,500. Applicants must be of Latino descent, have a strong academic record, and be attending a school supported by the Latino Student Fund. Applications open in the middle of January every year.
Minority African-American students in Chicago may be able to apply to the LINK Unlimited private school scholarship program. Applicants will need to be an African-American student in eighth grade, live in the Chicago area, demonstrate financial need, and have a dedication to faith or moral values. Students will be given scholarship of up to $4,500 depending on financial need. Applications should be completed by January 8.
Students in the Boston area will be able to apply for private school scholarships through the Catholic Schools Foundation which is linked directly to the Archdiocese of Boston. Funding amounts will vary school to school and are based on overall tuition costs in combination with financial need. Students who are attending or planning to attend a Catholic school in Boston area will be eligible to apply. As deadlines will also vary school to school, parents should contact their child’s school’s principle for more information.
Philadelphia based White-Williams Scholars program gives out private school scholarships to students who meet their eligibility requirements. All applicants will need to be residents of Philadelphia, be in high school, live in a single parent home, and be able to demonstrate financial need. Awards of $1,500 are generally given out and all applications should be turned in during the spring of an upcoming academic year.
Dallas County residents may find that they are eligible for the Today Foundation’s private school scholarships. Families will be able to have up to 75% of their overall tuition costs covered by the organization depending on their financial standing and number of dependents in the household. All applicants will need to show financial need, live in Dallas County, be at least five years old and be entering kindergarten up to eighth grade. Interested parents should contact the organization for deadline details.
Depending on where a student is planning to attend school, there will likely be private school scholarships available to them. Located at the regional, county, or even city level, there are organizations around the country dedicated to helping students with sincere financial need access private school education. Parents should research and investigate all of their options, but be aware that it is very common that they will still have to shoulder a portion of the overall costs. While there are some instances in which these groups may pay for the complete cost of tuition, many programs expect parents to shoulder some of the cost and maintain an active role in their student’s education.
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My son Douglas Jr is attending Lake Erie College in Painesville,Ohio in the fall. It is a private institution and my Wife and I really need financial assistance with his tuition .Can you recommend scholarship resources for us to use to offset his cost .I found this site online while scanning unclaimed scholarships.
you should make an appointment with a FinAid councilor on the phone or in person to discuss need based grants/aid with this university. Private schools have aid for those who show a financial need. Since your son is attending this school presently, it’s best to have them tell you what they have to offer that you may qualify for. You may have to fill out much paperwork, but it may be worth it in the end.Otherwise; apply to as many scholarships which your son is a good fit for. Read more also at guaranteed college scholarships. These oftentimes get overlooked and are the easiest FinAid to get.