John Carey Accounting Scholarship
The John L Carey accounting scholarship is available for graduate students who are enrolled in programs of study that will bring them into the accounting field. Established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in 1969, the CPA accounting scholarship was created in honor of John L Carey, who was instrumental in the success and continuity of the organization.
There are certain requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for the John Carey graduate accounting scholarships. They are only offered to graduate students who already hold degrees in liberal arts, or to students who have degrees in a non-business field. There is a great deal of competition for these accounting scholarships, as only ten are awarded each year.
While you will not be required to enter the field of accounting upon graduation, it is important to note that when the award winners are selected, that selection is based on the probability that you will become a CPA, and the eligibility requirements also require you to be enrolled in a graduate accounting program. Additionally, the graduate program that you are enrolling in must be accredited by ACBSP or AACSP International. If you have already started your graduate accounting program, you are not eligible for these accounting scholarships.
You must be pursuing CPA certification, be a full time graduate student, and a United States Citizen to be eligible. Eligible non-citizens can also apply. In order to be an eligible non-citizen of the United States, you must hold a green card. It is also vital that you understand that in order to be eligible for the John L Carey scholarships for accounting that you can not have completed more than twelve semester hours in accounting or business courses while obtaining your under graduate degree.
If you are awarded a coveted Carey scholarship, you will receive $5000, which will typically be sent directly to your school for disbursement. The John Carey scholarship in accounting is considered to be renewable, so if you have satisfactory academic performance, and you will be obtaining another year of graduate study in the appropriate field, you can be awarded an additional $5000 for that second year.
Your application must be postmarked by April 1st, without exception. Once your application is received, a committee will review it, and will choose the ten winners who have shown the best academic achievement. Leadership qualities are also considered, as is the probability that you will enter the accounting field upon finishing your education. Winners are typically notified by August.
Again, the competition is stiff for these limited awards, but if you meet the requirements for eligibility, you definitely need to apply for this accounting scholarship. $5000 goes a long way towards helping to pay for an education, and these are funds that do not have to be repaid. Applications for this AICPA scholarship are available at their website.
Finally, even if you meet all of the eligibility requirements for the John Carey Scholarships in accounting, if you are an employee or member of the AICPA, or a family member of a staff member or employee, you are not eligible for the AICPA scholarship for accounting students.
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You constanstantly talking about your scholarships but where are the applications? How do I apply?
you must apply to all scholarships reviewed on our website by going directly to the sponsor of the scholarship to fill out an application. The links to most sponsors are usually in the articles normally in the last paragraph.
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