James Hoffa Memorial Scholarship
If one of your parents is a member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union, you may be eligible for the James Hoffa Scholarship. However, there are other requirements that must also be met, and even if you meet those requirements, you may still not be selected for this Hoffa Memorial scholarship, as there is stiff competition. This doesn’t, however mean that you shouldn’t apply if you are eligible. November through March 31st are when you can apply.
The Hoffa scholarship was established as a memorial in honor of James R Hoffa who was the Teamsters president for fourteen years. He began his Teamsters service in 1934 and was highly regarded in the Teamsters union as an acomplished leader who was known for his skillfull ability to carry out the Teamsters agenda.
The James Hoffa Scholarship has been available to the children of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters union members since 1999. While the number of scholarships available each year varies, the average number available is about 100, and the applicants must live in one of the five regions where the union is located. Scholarship amounts total $10,000 or $1000. The $10,000 scholarship is paid out at $2500 per year, for four years, and the funds are paid directly to the college or university.
The requirements for the James Hoffa Memorial Scholarship sound simple enough – you must have a parent who is a member of the union, you must be in the top fifteen percent of your class, you must have great SAT or ACT scores, and you must have a financial need. However, there are other considerations that the committee that chooses the winners takes into account, such as the students overall character.
Students who win this Teamsters scholarship must attend a four year school in the United States or Canada, and the school must be accredited. The student may not attend a school that does not charge tuition. Military academies often do not charge any tuition. It is also important to note that if you win a $10,000 scholarship from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the scholarship will only be paid out annually if you meet ongoing criteria.
You must either meet the academic requirements of your school for Teamster scholarship winners, or maintain a 3.00 grade average to continue receiving the Hoffa scholarship funds. Furthermore, if your qualifying parent leaves the union, or fails to pay their union dues while you are still attending school, you will forfeit the Hoffa Memorial Scholarship. These things are verified each year during the four year period.
If you win the James Hoffa scholarship, and you are then unable to attend school, you must have certification from a doctor, and your Teamsters scholarship will be held for you – but not for more than a year. The only exception to this is if you are serving in the military, and you are unable to attend school due to your military obligations. In this case, the scholarship will be held for up to two years, unless there is war, in which case the union scholarship will be held for the winner serving his or her country for a longer period of time.
Although the competition for the James Hoffa Memorial Scholarship is stiff, if you meet the eligibility requirements, you should definitely apply. The application process is the same for both Teamsters scholarship awards – $10,000 and $1000 – and as you know, when it comes to paying for your education, or your child’s education, every little bit helps.
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this the scholarship that im looking for, thank you admin, to make this article
When are the winers notified? I applied and haaven’t heard anything back yet?
go to the Teamsters contact page and direct your question for a faster response.