Finding university and college cheerleading scholarships isn’t really very easy. Although some organizations offer scholarships for high school cheerleaders to help them pay for their college education, there are actually very few organizations that do this – and there are millions of cheerleaders who want to go to college. There are also competitions that offer cheerleader scholarships to those who win or place well, however, hundreds of cheerleaders attend these competitions – all hoping for those college cheerleading scholarships. Here are some tips that may help you to achieve university cheerleading scholarships.
1. Start working towards a scholarship very early, if possible. You need to make the cheerleading squad in your high school as a freshman. Hopefully, before that, you have been a cheerleader, and you are also enrolled in gymnastic classes and possibly dance classes as well. The more talented you are, the more likely you are to obtain a cheerleading scholarship. Note that there are also scholarships available to high school students who show exceptional talent to help pay for gymnastic and dance lessons.
2. Don’t depend on talent alone to get you a cheerleaders scholarship. Of course, talent and skill play big roles, but academics are equally important for most cheerleading scholarships. You must be well-balanced, and have the ‘smarts’ to get into a good college as well. Keep up with your studies.
3. Be active in your community. This demonstrates community service and leadership qualities. Often in the case of college cheerleader tryouts, judges consider more than your skill and talent. There is often an interview process, where your community service and proof of your leadership qualities will be very important.
4. Choose your choice schools carefully. Make sure that they have scholarships for cheerleaders that make the squad, as this is always beneficial, and many colleges and universities actually have full tuition scholarships available for their cheerleaders.
5. Be ready to tryout. In the case of college cheerleading scholarships that are designated specifically for college cheerleaders, you must make the squad first – obviously. Find out far in advance about dates for tryouts and tryout requirements, as well as eligibility requirements.
6. Be a competitive cheerleader. The more awards that you’ve won for your cheerleading the more likely you are to make one of the college squads. Also realize that college cheerleaders usually also have many academic based awards as well.
7. Have a backup plan. Not all cheerleaders who desire cheer scholarships actually win them, or make the cheerleading squads in college. You need a backup plan for paying for your education in the event that you do not make a college cheerleading squad. Don’t allow anything to stop you from getting your college education – not even cheerleading.
8. Inquire into the college you wish to attend to see if they have an athletic scholarship that can be applied to cheerleading. Most colleges have money specifically set aside for athletic scholarships which would also include cheerleading. You may find that they also can advise you on other options for cheerleading financial aid that your college only has and cheerleaders can take advantage of it.
If you are a good cheerleader, with lots of talent, a good academic record, and a record for community service, you really can make a college level cheerleading squad, and take advantage of their cheerleading scholarships. At the same time, however, while you are in high school, you need to be participating in all competitions that you are eligible for – especially those that have scholarships as prizes.
Related Reading
How to Find Cheerleading Scholarships