Unknown Easy Glen Bell Taco Bell Scholarships Grants
If you’re an employee of Taco Bell corporation, you have an easy chance to earn their unknown student scholarship compliments of the Glen Bell Scholarship Program. These undergraduate and relatively unknown easy scholarships, are offered to employees who are interested in advancing their education at both universities and vocational schools throughout the United States. Both full-time and part-time students have an opportunity to earn Taco Bell scholarships grants.
What do you have to do in order to qualify to win a Taco Bell scholarship from your employer?
First, you must have been employed by a company or franchised owned or licensed by Taco Bell for at least six months prior to the application deadline for the little known Glen Bell educational scholarships. You also have to work at the store for an average of at least 15 hours a week. Any hourly employee who meets these criteria is eligible to apply for these easy college scholarships.
If you are a senior in high school, or have graduated from high school, you may be able to win one of the Glen Bell Taco scholarships, provided you have maintained a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.5. This Taco Bell scholarship program is available to both full and part-time students at any accredited undergraduate or graduate school in the United States.
For those candidates who are planning to attend four-year universities, these undergraduate Glen Bell scholarship awards are for the amount of $2,000. Students planning to attend vocational or two-year colleges may earn $1,000 toward the cost of their college tuition. Although these funds are awarded for only a single year, any student who meets the qualification requirements for this merit scholarship may apply again to win this unknown scholarship.
Students are expected to submit a transcript and other required documents by April 1st of the scholarship year. Those who win will be notified of their status in May. This Glen Bell Taco Bell college scholarship money will be given to the student in two equal checks, delivered to his or her home in August and December of the year in which the scholarship is received.
Remember, though, you must continue to remain an employee of Taco Bell Corporation at the time the checks are distributed. If you aren’t planning to remain a part of the Taco Bell workforce while you are completing that year of college, don’t apply for this Glen Bell scholarship!
Factors that determine a student’s likelihood of receiving this unusual award include academic excellence, participation and leadership in community and school activities, and work experiences. Any unusual or personal circumstances are considered, but these easy scholarships for college are not awarded on the basis of a student’s financial needs. An outside appraisal of each student’s circumstances, however, must be completed and documented.
Taco Bell has also has a new program called the Giving ‘Back to this Community Program which has three different categories. It’s an all year round program unlike the Glen Bell scholarship program which you can apply to only once per year. They are:
Bell Community Grants
Worthwhile grants are provided by Taco Bell to Orange County, CA organizations> These organizations must be directly involved with building projects within the community, help with educating teen students and involved with hunger relief.
Taco Bell Foundation for Teens
The Taco Bell Foundation for Teens focuses on programs to encourage teens to want to graduate from High School. If they do then Taco Bell’s aim is to have them become educated, caring and productive members in today’s society.
World Hunger Relief
Taco Bell realizes world hunger is a major problem in the world. they band together with YUM! Brands, Inc and other YUM! affiliates with the resources in aiding the hungry. Taco Bell indicates their efforts produce 90 million plus meals to the hungry. One such program is the United Nations World Food Program.
If you believe you might qualify for this simple scholarship award, don’t wait. Get started now and find out more about what you need to do to win this unknown scholarship. Don’t pay more than you have to for college. Try and Win college tuition money now. Let the Glen Bell Taco scholarships start helping you prepare for your future career today!