JRF Scholarships
The Jeannette Rankin Foundation (JRF) Scholarships for Single Mothers all started in 1978 in the memory of Jeannette Rankin the first woman to be elected to the United States House of Representatives and the first female member of Congress. She was referred to as the Lady of the House at that time which started the common used phrase at the White House today. Upon her death in 1973 she left money to specifically help mature, unemployed women workers and this led to the beginning of the JRF Scholarship and Grants for single mothers. They may be easy scholarships to win simply because so many are awarded each year.
Since Jeanette was noted for being a proponent of peace and women’s rights, her lasting desire was to spearhead her cause where she felt really had the most impact; and that was in helping those women in need who had very few other opportunities to help themselves. It was in this spirit the Rankin Scholarship materialized and each year gets stronger & stronger because of the large number of single mothers who need financial educational assistance.
For 2009, JRF awarded a total of (80) JRF scholarships for single mothers and approximately half were awarded to new students while the other half were awarded to renewing scholars. The amount normally is $2000 per winner and are presented to those who fit the JRF Scholarship criteria. The exact number of JRF Grants scholarships for mothers is posted November 1st every year and by July 1st all the winners will be announced. In fact, application forms are also available at this time at the JRF website.
To qualify; all applicants must be a women of course who is 35 or older, having low-income according to the ‘U.S. Department of Labors Lower Living Standard’, pursuing a technical or vocational education, an associate degree, or a first bachelor’s degree at an accredited school or accepted at one, and lastly must be an US citizen.
In the JRF scholarship application, you will be required to write about your goals, your plan for reaching your goals, challenges you may have faced, & your financial situation to give the Jeannette Rankin Foundation Scholarship committee a clear picture of exactly who you are and why you should be awarded this single mother college scholarship. Be clear and descriptive.
The JRF Scholarship for single mothers has a non-discrimination policy so all women are invited to apply. See if can land one of the many college JRF Grants and Scholarships for single mothers. You have a good chance because the yearly average of single mother scholarships has been around (80) per year and that’s a lot coming from one sponsor. It could turn out to be one of those easy college scholarships you’ve always dreamed about. Remember to check their website November 1st to apply, which is at scholarships for single mothers.
The staff at the Jeannette Rankin Foundation (JRF) Scholarship Fund is very courteous and quick to respond to any questions you may have especially by email. Their contact info is:
Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund
1 Huntington Road, #701, Athens, GA 30606
706-208-1211 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 706-208-1211 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
email: info@rankinfoundation.org
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I would like to submit my name for award of scholarlarship. I am currently unemployed 50 year old woman in Botswana in Africa.I would like to enrol in any programme that would help the youth in substance abuse related progrmme. My previous degree qualifictions has been on education with specialisation in Religious education.
Thank you
go to Jeannette Rankin Foundation (JRF) Scholarships to apply.
WISP, or the Womens Independence Scholarship Program, has really good college scholarships for mothers available. The organization hopes that these funds will empower women, enabling them to open doors to more opportunities for more women. However, it is important to note that the moms scholarships offered by WISP are for survivors of domestic abuse, and spousal or partner abuse is the only domestic abuse that applies in this situation.
Reading this made me feel smarter,better informed.Great post!