Monsanto Scholarships
Does the idea of living in harmony with your land, caring for it, and profiting from it resonate with your career goals? Then you can’t afford not to investigate the wide range of easy agriculture scholarships available for farming families. One of these possible easy scholarships, the Monsanto Agriculture Scholarship, is waiting for you and 99 other students.
Farming is no longer a business that depends primarily on your sense of whether, timing, and your physical endurance. Instead, it has become a big business filled with scientific technology and decision-making. If you’re serious about farming, you’re going to need to earn a degree in agriculture, and college tuition can be expensive. The Monsanto Agriculture Scholarship is one of the scholarships for agriculture that can help you do exactly this.
This Ag scholarships fund was founded for students of farming families who are planning to major in an agriculture-related degree program at an accredited university. Established ten years ago, the scholarships program awards $1,500 to 100 qualified students each year. Students don’t have to be members of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) Association to apply for this tuition assistance. These are FFA scholarships.
The deadline for this year is February 17, so if you are a high school senior and didn’t already know about this agricultural scholarship, you may have missed out on your chance to get free college money from this unique scholarships foundation. Make sure you tell your family and friends about it, though, because it may be a fast and easy scholarship for them since they are already part of a farming family. There are sure to be a number of younger brothers and sisters who could benefit from these simple Ag scholarship monies.
Of course, applications for this scholarship for agriculture are accepted online at www.ffa.org, so if you thrive on deadlines and feel like you still have a shot at it, go ahead and try. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain if you do find yourself with the unusual opportunity to receive an extra unclaimed $1,500 toward your education.
If you aren’t a high school senior, breathe a sigh of relief – you can get everything together in time for next year’s deadline. Get started now, though, because the deadline will be here before you know it. The agricultural scholarship application requires both Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and Achievement Test (ACT) scores, so you’ll have to register and prepare for the tests in time to get your test scores and apply.
You’ll need reference letters, too, so start talking with high school teachers and local business farmers about offering you a valuable recommendation that might mean the difference between winning this inherent easy scholarship, or leaving it unclaimed in the hopes that someone else will take your scholarship money.
If you’re serious about winning an agriculture scholarship, your sophomore or junior year of high school really isn’t too early to start. It takes a lot of planning and preparation, and you certainly don’t want to miss out on your chance to earn quick scholarships in agriculture because you didn’t have everything ready in time. So, if you’re planning to make farming your life’s business, start being an early bird today for easy scholarships for farming families.
Here’s a new USDA scholarship program. While the USDA has many different agriculture scholarship programs, the newest program, the Agricultural Resource Management Survey, the ARMS Scholarship Program offers two Ag scholarships that are a bit different in nature. The ARMS Scholarship Program is very different from other programs and truly unique.
The USDA scholarships in agriculture are offered through the 1890 National Scholars Program in partnership with the 1890 Black Land Grant Universities. If you are considering apply for the USDA/1890 National Scholars Program ag scholarships, there are several things that you need to know about what is required and expected of you in order to win these scholarships in agriculture, to attend school, and to find employment after your graduation. These USDA scholarships in agriculture are offered from the United States Department of Agriculture, in partnership with the 1890 Black Land Grant Universities.
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Other agricultural scholarships of interest to look into are from the
American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA). American farmers are serious about their livestock, and the National Jersey Youth Scholarships prove this easily. This scholarships foundation awards over $10,000 in cattle scholarships for agriculture students each year. Whether you’re a college freshman or planning to enroll in graduate school, the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA) offers plenty of chances to earn money for college.
Also; there is the DHIA and their unusual milk agriculture scholarships? DHIA is short for the National Dairy Herd Information Association and they have some dairy scholarships with low qualification guidelines.
I am from Ethiopian Agricultural Research working as junior Researcher. I want to study MSc on field of agriculture. I have BSc from Haramaya university with distinction grade. How can I apply for Monsanto scholar ship or how Monsanto help me to study my MSc
you must apply directly to their website for the Monsanto scholarship.
Good post . It’s all new to me. Can’t wait to read your next blog.
Do you know if this information is still valid? I would like more information on the Monsanto scholarship.
go to Monsanto Ag Scholarship.