Cincinnatus Scholarship and Competition can be Easy Scholarships

Of all the various scholarships today, the Cincinnatus Scholarship and Competition held each year at the University of Cincinnati, has to be one of the most extraordinary and atypical college scholarships today. They may even be easy scholarships to capture, because you may qualify already. This is not your quintessential scholarship, but an activating and powerful competition in which invited students attend to display their leadership, academic and community involvement characteristics in an attempt to upgrade their Cincinnatus scholarships to a higher monetary level once you qualify for the entry-level scholarship. All three play a pivotal role in the Cincinnatus scholarship competition; especially community service. This is why the scholarship is called the Cincinnatus Scholarship.

The scholarship name was actualized from a Roman farmer, dictator, and delegate from the legendary period of Roman history. He was revered as a model of Roman integrity. Mainly a farmer first, Cincinnatus was a Roman statesman who gained fame for his selfless devotion to the republic in a time of crisis and for giving up the reins of power when the crisis was over. He made his stint as dictator as brief as possible, and went back to being a farmer once the Roman crisis was over. He was admirable for his lack of ambition of power, as well as his ability to serve his country when called upon to do so.

The Cincinnatus Scholarship is only for incoming freshmen seeking admission to the University of Cincinnati with a completed UC admissions application by December 15th of their senior year of High School, along with their transcripts and test scores. Cincinnatus Scholarships are renewable up to (12) full-time quarters along with completing (30)hours of community service. Minimum 3.2 GPA must be maintained.


Cincinnatus Scholarship Competition Award Levels

Century scholarship of $8,000 ($2,000 per year)

200 University scholarship of $14,000 ($3,500 per year)

100 Founders scholarship of $24,000 ($6,000 per year)

Ten Cincinnatus scholarships of $80,000
(est. $20,000 per year to cover full tuition, fees, room,
board with book allowance)

Easy Steps to Apply for the Cincinnatus Scholarship

1) First fill out the University of Cincinnati admissions application and turn in by December 15th if you are an incoming freshmen with a minimum 3.2 unweighted high school GPA along with high school transcript and test scores. There will be questions on the application specifically to see if you qualify for the Cincinnatus Scholarship.

2) If you do qualify, you will be notified by mail that you will be receiving the Century Cincinnatus scholarship of $2,000 per year for four years, if you maintain a 3.2 GPA and complete (30) hours of community service per year.

3) You will then be offered an opportunity to compete in the Cincinnatus scholarship competition to be held on campus on February 7, for more than $18 million in University of Cincinnati four-year scholarships. This gives you an opportunity to earn more scholarship monies by winning the University, Founders, or a shot for the largest of the awards, the Ten Cincinnatus scholarships of $80,000 (est. $20,000 per year).

4) You will be asked every year to compete as long as you maintain the 3.2 GPA and (30) hrs community service. You’re guaranteed $2,000 every year, and the chance to earn more if you place in the Cincinnatus Scholarship Competition yearly.

The University of Cincinnati does not place restrictions on the number of freshmen eligible to receive the base level Century scholarships. Whoever fills out the University of Cincinnati admissions application and “qualifies”, based on the specific questions which qualifies you for the Cincinnatus Scholarship; will be awarded monies. Then, each and every year you can choose if you want to compete on February 7th, for a chance to upgrade your Cincinnatus Scholarship to a higher monetary level.

All high school seniors should automatically apply for this simple application scholarship if you are presently fitting the criteria because this can be one of those really easy scholarships. You have nothing to lose and the opportunity for much more to gain for the following four years at one of the finest universities in the country.


University of Cincinnati Contact Info
PO Box 210125
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0125
Phone 513-556-2420 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            513-556-2420      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Guaranteed Scholarships are Quick & Easy Scholarships

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