Harvard Minority Scholarships
Harvard University has scholarships for minority students looking to attend this infamous college. Ever since its inception, Harvard University has been one of the most prestigious and popular Universities in the United States. Each year, the University is ranked number one or near the top of every major college ranking system. For years, it has been tradition for only the smartest and richest prospective students to attend Harvard, and as a result most of these students have been white males.
Recently, there has been a push to ensure more minorities get to experience Harvard University and all it has to offer. There are now many ways to ensure minorities attend Harvard and ensure they can pay for the relatively high tuition. There are many nice scholarships aimed at minority students who are planning on attending Harvard.
Whether you’re planning on attending Harvard or any college for that matter, your number one worry probably isn’t registering for classes, or what dorm you’ll live in, but rather how you’ll pay for college. There are many options available, but most of them will be hard to obtain and cost money themselves. Common methods include obtaining money from parents, taking out student loans, receiving financial aid, and winning scholarships and grants.
Traditionally, it has been difficult for minorities to obtain student scholarships from Harvard University because they generally weren’t well qualified enough to be awarded them and there was a degree of racism which left out many students from receiving the Harvard scholarships which make paying for college much easier. There are some nice scholarships available for minorities who wish to attend Harvard University. Below you will find a select few that are worth mentioning.
This is a minority scholarship that is available to students who adhere to or practice the Jewish faith. This Harvard minority scholarship was established in 1981 and falls under the restricted category of scholarships. Any Jewish students who demonstrate exceptional leadership skills, aspirations for the future, and exceptional academic prowess are eligible for this Harvard scholarship for minority Jewish students. To sign up, simply visit the career center at Harvard and ask about the Allen D. Rubin Scholarship fund.
This Harvard University minority scholarship is focused on helping Native American students who wish to attend Harvard. This scholarship is worth full tuition for one year for one Harvard student. This fund honors William Jones and William Stoughton, who was a Harvard graduate and former lieutenant governor of Massachusetts. Stoughton was a very rich man and upon his death in 1701, devoted much of his fortune for endowment at Harvard. For more information on this scholarship, and to find due dates, visit the financial aid department at Harvard and ask about the William Jones Scholarship Fund.
This minority scholarship from Harvard University is intended to provide full tuition for a few students who are planning on attending Harvard and are of Philippine descent. This scholarship fund was established in 1996 and has been helping deserving students since that time. First preference is given to students of Philippine heritage, while second preference is given to other Asian nationals. Preference is also given to students of any race who choose to study Asian history or languages and major in this subject.
This fund was established in 1969 and provides Harvard University scholarships for minority students who have heritage linking back to Southeast Asia. Top preference is given to students who come from the Southeast Asia area, while second preference is given to students who are planning on studying Asian history or language. For more information on this scholarship, visit the financial aid center at Harvard and ask about the Arthur Daniel Stillman Fund.
This may be Harvard most powerful minority scholarship but it’s for families with household incomes of under $60,000. You can attend Harvard without any payment for your tuition. If incomes are from $60,000 to $80,000 then tuition is reduced dramatically making going to college here comparable to many junior colleges. Harvard scholarships for minorities can’t really get any better than this.
This scholarship is composed entirely of individual endowment funds received by the university from donors and previous alumni. Every donation over $1500 goes towards this scholarship and it is available for all students, but targets minorities heavily. This scholarship was established over 370 years ago and has been helping students pay for tuition ever since.
This scholarship was established in honor of Harvard’s 300th anniversary. It was originally established during the 1930’s during the Great Depression, and now is aimed mainly at minorities and other students of low-income families. Each year, this scholarship hands out millions of dollars in scholarship funds to students who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend Harvard.
For many students, paying for college at Harvard University can seem like a daunting task, but with the help of scholarships for minority students, it doesn’t have to be. Minority students now have a chance to earn scholarships from Harvard that were once reserved only for white students. This enables them to attend college and gain the skills necessary to succeed in life at one of the most prestigious colleges in the world, once restricted from attending.
*Sallie Mae Scholarships for Minorities
Hi. Iam Bless from Uganda and i would like to apply ascholarship in Havard University. Ihave finished form six.
go to: https://college.harvard.edu/financial-aid/applying-aid/prospective-students and apply NOW!
Is Harvard free for low income families?
Families earning less than $60,000 a year will no longer be expected to pay for their children to attend Harvard, school officials said today. With that announcement, Harvard jumps to the head of a pack of top universities that are expanding financial aid for undergraduates from low-income and middle-class families.
Longing to study at Havard university. Am Bonface a Kenyan, may I ask kindly to apply for a scholarship.
apply for a Harvard directly from their website to see if you can qualify. Go to Apply for scholarships at Harvard.