Being able to get help paying for college is very important to most people, especially women. Perhaps you have overlooked the possibility of college sorority scholarships grants from the sisterhood that are offered.
Most people don’t realize that there are plenty of them out there to consider from any college you plan on attending. As you go through this list, you can identify those that will be a good match for you.
Delta Theta Chi Scholarships for sorority Sisters
If your college plans are towards education, this is a sorority scholarship to look into. The amounts awarded range from $750 to $2,500. They can be awarded to both members and family members that will major in an area of education.
Alpha Omega Epsilon Sorority Scholarships
Getting more women to pursue their education in engineering or technical science is important. This sorority is all about helping them to secure the money they need to complete that education. You will need to be a current member to qualify but they also offer sisterhood scholarships for children and grandchildren of members. The amount of the award can be up to $5,000.
Kappa Epsilon Sisterhood Scholarships
This particular sorority is for females that intend to go to school to become a pharmacist. This used to be a field that was male dominated and the sisterhood has done plenty to change that. The amount of sorority scholarships range from $200 to $500 and they offer multiple awards. Only active members currently enrolled in an accredit college can apply.
Alpha Kappa Alpha College Club Sorority Scholarships
This particular sorority is for African-American Women. They offer a variety of sisterhood scholarships grants through the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation. The funds can be used for both graduate and undergraduate programs. The number of club scholarships and their award amounts vary.
Phi Delta Kappa Sorority College Scholarships
This is a sorority for teachers who are also minorities. They have a foundation called The Perpetucal Scholarship Foundation. They sponsor 5 graduating high school seniors annually that are going to major in education. The society scholarships are for $10,000 each.
Beta Phi Mu Frank Sessa Scholarship for Sorority Members
This is a graduate level association scholarship for education. Applicants must be a member of the sorority and apply by March 15th annually. The award amount is $750.
Alpha Delta Pi Sororities Scholarships
There are 60 scholarships that this sorority offers annually. The amounts will vary, with the top awards being for $3,000. Sorority scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Applicants must be a member of the sorority in good standing with a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
They also offer an emergency grant of up to $2,500 for members that may have been afflicted by unforeseen circumstances and expenses. This is called the Abigail Davis Emergency Grant. The funds can only be used for books and tuition, not for room or board.
Gamma Phi Beta Undergraduate Sorority Scholarships
This sorority offers several scholarships for undergraduates. Applicants must be members of the sorority for at least six months and in good standing with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. They must demonstrate that they have financial need and that they have done what they can to secure other funds. Applicants also have to be enrolled full-time.
Lambda Pi Alpha Sisterhood Club Scholarships
This is a sorority for those pursuing a degree in nursing. They offer one sisterhood scholarship annually in the amount of $1,500 to a deserving undergraduate student. Preference will be given to African-American applicants, but all origins are encouraged to apply. Applicant must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and ready to start the junior or senior year of the program. They also have to submit a written essay along with the application to state why they need the financial assistance. Three letters of recommendation are also necessary to qualify for this scholarship.
There are also Christian sororities too that are more specific in nature which of course are for Christian students only.
It can be very exciting to go to college, but not if you are stressed out over the financial obligation of all of it. With sorority scholarships and grants from the sisterhood, you can take care of the cost and focus on your academics while getting lots of support from these college clubs!